December 2018

12-9-2018 PM

February 2016

Sunday February 28, 2016 pm service

October 2014

Sunday Evenine 10/12/14 Rev. Shannon Rust

February 2013

What’s on Your Mind?

Isaiah 26:3-4 talks about perfect peace for those whose mind is fixed on the Lord.   As believers, our minds should constantly be on Christ, but often we feed our mind other distractions and our peace is stolen.   Guest speaker Rev. Shannon Rust explains key thoughts on making Christ the center of our thought life every […]

September 2012

Look To the Hand

Without heaven, there is no hope. There is nowhere else on earth that can offer us any hope at all. This world offers only pain and misery and satan’s plan is to keep you bound. But praise God, He had a better plan when He sent Jesus. We need to lift up our eyes onto […]

It Starts In the Heart

God is not finished with you. He wants to do a work in you so that He can do a work through you. Satan wants to keep you living in mediocrity, BUT God’s plan is so much bigger.   Altar Time [audio:|titles=07 It Starts In The Heart Altar Time]  

Identifying the Breach

Where is the devil getting in? God called us out washed us in the Blood and is one day coming back. Will He find a glorious, spotless bride in you? We must repent and return to our first love.